Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana
A comprehensive tool for understanding the Real-time Efficiency of Oil and Gas production in Ghana
Welcome to my R Shiny web app, the "Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana.” This web app leverages a myriad of data science techniques, including interactive visualizations, machine learning, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, data analytic tools and web scraping, to provide real-time, comprehensive analysis of Ghana’s oil and gas sector. The goal is to enhance information efficiency, market efficiency, and resource management efficiency, making it a valuable tool for practitioners, academics, and policymakers alike. The application is primarily centred on Ghana, especially regarding the visualizations. However, the data analytic tools developed can be applied to all markets and regions. Additionally, despite the application presenting key insights and tools that are applicable to both the Oil and Gas industry, greater emphasis was placed on Oil production due to its overall greater share of Ghana’s energy market and its more dynamic nature.